Florida International University

Welcome to Voices for Organizing Change in Educational Systems (VOCES)

Florida International University’s (FIU’s) HSI Institutional Transformation Project VOCES (Voices for Organizing Change in Educational Systems) will transform institutional culture by embedding student voice and promoting student agency throughout a coherent collection of activities that directly impact students. Project VOCES refers to our recognition that student perspectives are usually an untapped resource that, when integrated into institutional decisions, have the potential to transform educational systems.

Project VOCES amplifies student ownership by building on ongoing institutional change activities and establishing a program of STEM student leaders. These STEM Voceros (literally, the one that speaks on behalf of others) will be positioned as campus student leaders bringing the student perspective to the forefront and engaging university leadership to re-envision the established norms of power and decision making at FIU.

What we do

Why we are here

Driven for student success, Project VOCES (Voices for Organizing Change in Educational Systems) seeks to transform the way institutions educate our STEM graduates. By implementing new practices to improve education and achievement through student voice in FIU (Florida International University), we pave the way for academic excellence.

How to get involved

To contact FIU Project VOCES, contact us at voces@fiu.edu.
